Member-only story
Peace Be with You
Comfort during Eastertide
In our modern chaotic world, the cup of anxiety can sometimes overflow. Worry and problems slink up on us and stalk us like unsuspecting prey.
Life has never been a cake walk for most on this planet. One hundred years ago, the world was just getting over the Spanish flu, WWI and after that they faced the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl and World War II.
And right after a devastating pandemic in our day, we brace for climate catastrophe, nuclear, biological and cyber threats. And who knows what will happen with AI.
Inner peace seems to be like a baseball flying over our heads — we know it is there, but its trajectory is moving it above our reach and we can’t catch it.
Two thousand years ago, a frightened, confused group of disciples needed the same thing. They were locked into a room in fear as their leader had just been crucified.
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” — John 20:26
Peace speaks of peace of mind or well-being and inner rest. Oh, what a priceless treasure that is. And Jesus knew that what those disciples needed was the re-assurance of His presence.
He’s got this. He is with us. He knows the end from the beginning.
Peace Be With you.