Member-only story
The Plane Flight from Hell
A near miss and other craziness
What a day it was!
I’m not picking on Southwest Airlines. I love Southwest and I flew that airline many a time in 2015 when I worked in Nashville and flew back and forth almost every other weekend to Dallas.
Southwest is a Dallas company and most of the people that work there love it — at least pre-pandemic. They actually saved my butt in 2015, but that is another story.
In 2001, I was visiting my brother’s family in New Orleans and I was late to the airport and I missed my flight to Houston Hobby. All my fault.
I caught another flight and flew out in another hour or two.
I don’t remember the type of jet, but I was in a seat in the back which faced the tail of the plane. I’ve never ridden in a plane with that configuration before, but I had a good view out the window to my left and I had the seats to myself. What a pleasure it is when you can stretch out. That was back in the day when there were lots more planes flying before the airlines streamlined.
I didn’t get to stretch for long.
A nice looking man sat down beside me and said that a lady on his seat row had lice. Evidently, the flight attendant spotted the lice. Are they trained for that?